Wednesday, February 22, 2012



Today I accomplished a milestone on my Australian animal list. I got to see wombats! Only two because they were in a nature park but I have been wanting to see one since my dad showed me pictures from his Australian trip. Wombats are burrowing marsupials with strong legs for digging and a backwards pouch to prevent dirt from entering. They are quite large and can weigh upwards of 70 pounds. The two I saw were sleeping but they were still incredibly adorable. I wish there was one that lived in our backyard. 

a sleeping wombat 
Paul had needed to stop by his parent's house in Ipswich and so we stopped at the Ipswich Nature Center in Queens Park. It was surprisingly good for being a free entry. There was a huge lace monitor, wallabies, kangaroos, bilbies, emus,  bandicoots and a couple other animals. It was sweltering hot so most creatures were dozing in the shade. Unfortunately I had forgotten to charge my camera battery so I had to use the iphone instead. The park is really close to Paul's parents so maybe we will go again when my camera is charged.


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