Monday, February 20, 2012

Driving lessons

I drove for the first time since arriving in Australia. The most frustrating part? I kept turning on the windshield wipers when I wanted to turn.  It was all a bit overwhelming. But I did manage not to hit anything or damage the car. Interestingly enough it was the second manual car I have ever driven and the stick shift felt really different, not to mention that I was using my left hand to shift rather than my right.  We drove around a residential area which meant that I didn't have to contend with that much traffic and I could go as slow as I wanted. It is still a bit disorienting to turn right and the roundabouts make me nervous but I think with a couple of more practices I will be able to actually drive. I think if I drove more in the states,  I wouldn't be so uncomfortable now. However, I have to get comfortable because otherwise I am doomed to be stuck in suburbia and I don't want to be stuck.

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