Monday, February 13, 2012

Sheet Snob

Upon arrival to Australia I found the new sheets that had been bought were, horror of horrors, poly-cotton. And not just poly-cotton, they were 140 thread count poly-cotton. Miserable. But only one night was spent on them before heading to Coolangatta where there were lovely cotton sheets. Naively I thought that finding 100% cotton sheets would be easy and resolved to track some down after our Gold Coast holiday.

My first attempt was at  Target. Target has relatively inexpensive cotton sheets in the States and I assumed I would find it to be the same here. Wrong. There were multiple sets and colors but the vast majority were poly-cotton and the the cotton the did have was a 500 count $150 set. Not exactly in my price range.The next store I looked only had poly-cotton, as did the next. Discouraged and faced with another night on scratchy, clammy sheets, I took to the interwebs and found an ikea close by with affordable cotton sheets. Didn't particularly want to patronize a large shopping chain, but I was desperate.  I spent another night on the icky sheets and the next day we went and braved the Sunday crowd at Ikea to purchase my lovely new 100% cotton sheets. I slept much better last night ( admittedly the sheets were a little damp from the wash but they were still heavenly).

I know I am sheet snob and said as much to my mother. She acknowledged that she raised me to be that way.  But I am realizing as we acquire things for the house that I am just a snob. I much prefer metal and glass over plastic. I want cast iron pans not teflon coated ones. I have been fortunate enough to find places to live where my housemates have similar preferences, but here it seems people aren't as aware about the leaching of plastics. So, I am trying to be tolerant and I am keeping an eye out for any garage sales that have some glass containers.

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