Sunday, March 04, 2012

Falling from the Sky

Today I went sky diving for the first time. (An early birthday present to myself) I did a static line jump which means I jumped out of the plane by myself and my parachute was deployed by a line attached to the plane. I jumped out at 3,500 ft. I wasn't completely happy with my take off or landing. My jammed finger makes it hard to grip and to get out of the plane you are supposed to hang off the strut for a moment before letting go. I wasn't able to hang for more than a couple of seconds because of my hand. As for the landing, I didn't do the release fast enough so I awkwardly rolled. But it is okay. I can now say that I have done it. I'd love to do more but it's expensive. Paul got some footage so I will post it once we get it off  the camera.

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