Once upon a time I decided to go tanner crabbing. I figured since I was long lining halibut in the summers I might as well be able to say I'd gone crabbing too. Tanner season is in January and that particular year it was cold and clear. I had gone along as the spare hand and I spent most of the time inside the cabin next to the stove trying to warm up. It wasn't that the work was hard, it was just cold. I have never been so fucking cold in my life. On our return to town I threw in the towel and thought never again. I think if it had been more physically difficult I might have kept at it but with it being cold I decided not for me.
Well guess what I am doing? Yes, I am tanner crabbing and once again it has been a cold and clear January. I am going to freeze, actually I have already been freezing. All day working on the back deck rigging pots was miserable. I am hitting the thrift stores tomorrow for more warm jackets and snow pants. My three pairs of fleece legging underneath carhartts didn't quite cut it, nor did the two jackets, one sweater, two thermal shirts, and fleece lined sports bra. One would think that I would have been decently warm and one would be wrong. I think it is the lack of moving around. I've never been good at staying warm when not walking which is part of the reason I don't like to stop and eat while hiking. I am hoping to find a down jacket and a down vest and snowpants.
So why I am doing this? I think on some level I am just a glutton for punishment and I want the bragging rights for afterwards. There is nothing better than being down south and telling someone that you commercial fish. Reactions are always priceless. And then there is the financial aspect. I am only in town till the end of the month and finding short term work here is hard. By going fishing I will be able to hang with my dad and I ended up really missing him last summer when I did the Bristol Bay season. And I have found a third reason. By freezing now the Australian summer is going to feel really really good. Actually I think the image of myself lying in the sun on the Gold Coast was the only thing that got me through the last hour of work today.
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